NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
Everlasting Covenant Scripture References Psalms: 25: 10-14; Prov. 3; Psalms 105: 8, 10 Isaiah: 55: 3; Gen. 9: 16; 17: 13; Jere. 31: 31-33; Jeremiah: 32: 37-41; Heb. 13: 20-21; Matt. 26: 28; Galatians: 3: 16-17; Ezek. 36: 24-27; Isa. 32
Let us consider the word everlasting: (Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)....."lasting or enduring through all time: Eternal." The Everlasting Covenant began in the Heart of the Father and it ends there. Before all creation began, a covenant was agreed upon in the Godhead for the Son to bring many sons into glory in His likeness. This plan of redemption did not began in the garden...Our Creator did not get upset when man disobeyed...his redemption was already planned. Glory to God the Lamb was slain BEFORE the creation and the Everlasting Covenant was an actuality in the mind of God. In Rev. 3:14, we see that Jesus Christ was the beginning of God's creation, and we were created to be like Him. Paul made this clear in Heb. 2:10 when he wrote concerning bringing many sons into glory and in Romans 8: 28-29 we find we were foreknown of God and the only predestination you will ever find in the Word is our being conformed into His image. The prophet Isaiah spoke the Word from the Father that Jesus is given for a Covenant of the people; a light to the gentiles. We have a Covenant Head seated on the throne in the heavens with covenant marks in His hands and as His children we have access to the Protection, Equality and Love that is in Him. Glory to God. It is most important we realize that God's counsel stands...and the Everlasting Covenant was cut in His counsel. The Psalmist David wrote by unction of the Holy Ghost saying :"My covenant will stand fast with Him." In Ezekiel's prophecy the House of Judah and Ephraim became one in the hand of the Lord and most theologians type this as Jews and Gentiles becoming one nation in God and the Spirit spoke further and declared an everlasting covenant for this people and a promise of God being our God, and putting His sanctuary in our midst for ever. At this time, the children of Israel had broken the Covenant God cut for Abraham and only a remnant of the ancesteral line remained in covenant, as the nation went into captivity. God did not give Israel over to their enemies until an abomination of worship was placed in the temple consecrated for worship of God only. This is a warning to us today to not allow any teachings contrary to the Word of God to be in the temples of our bodies. When the Holy Ghost indwells us, we are consecrated (cleansed and set apart and dedicated to the service of God) as covenant children of God. Jeremiah states it this way, " Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel AND with the house of Judah; not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people."Beloved this is the Covenant Jesus Christ cut for whosoever will, at no time before this had God put the teachings inside His children. We are in Everlasting Covenant as birth sons of Jesus Christ. For those born of the Spirit are one with Him. |