NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
Incense Altar
Scripture Ref: Ex. 30:1-6, Heb.. 5:8, 8:3-4 The third article in the Holy Place is a small, but tall This lovely altar has a crown around the edge of the top. This denotes kingly activity is done here. Incense with anointing oil is offered here daily. And no strange fire was allowed. Only Aaron prayed here, and when his sons Nahab and Abihu came with their fire...the fire of God came down and destroyed them. God's fire today is the Holy Ghost (it rested as tongues of fire on each of the 170 believers who obeyed Jesus and tarried in an upper room until the promise came, and we can not come here without it. In comparing the two altars of this structure of the Presence of God in the midst of His delivered children: one was brass where judgment required sacrifice blood to deal with sin; one of gold to furnish a place of prayer prior to entering the Veil. Our High Priest prayed His priestly prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before He entered into the throne room of His Father. It is most important we pray God's will to be done in our lives AND not our will, in order to go on into His rest. One was Outer..a public blood application. One was inner.. where our will becomes His in every one of His sons lives. One was plain, and this one is beautiful..golden nature and crowning only come after suffering. One turns from sin and one turns to God. One require blood application to progress and one requires prayer to do so.The reason Jesus lives to ever make intercession for is because He died to His flesh and His will. His flesh perished on the cross, identified with the Brass Altar. And there in the Garden He died to His own will and identified with this golden altar. Our prayer to proceed through the flesh of God (Word) into His presence and rest with Him there is to die to our will and allow His will to be ours. In the Revelation references we are told the saints prayers ascend as incense. No wonder Paul instructed us to present our bodies a living sacrifice to be accepted. This altar was not described until after God introduced the priesthood in chapter 28 and 29. It is comforting to know Peter introduced the family of God as a royal Priesthood, with Jesus Christ being our High Priest. We are allowed and welcomed here after the blood, water, and Spirit is applied in the outer court and we have entered into this Holy Place and seen the revelation of Jesus Christ our Light and eaten the Bread He has anointed and given to us. Now as His will replaces ours, we can enter in through the Veil.