NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
Word to the Body
INTRODUCTION OF PROPHETS AND GIFT OF PROPHECY As an introduction to this page, there is a necessity to explain the difference between the gift and the calling when pertaining too prophecies. In the Body of Christ (the global church) there is a five-fold ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors (under shepherds) and teachers. All are called by God to minister unto Him, and then to His body in these categories. These called persons make their calling and election sure by allowing the Teacher (Holy Spirit) to carry them through the Word, revealing that which He deems necessary to accomplish this place of servitude in the body. At no time do any if these five callings rule. The flock belongs to the Shepherd Of Our Soul...Jesus Christ. To hear a minister refer to the congregation they are ministering to as "my people" is a stench in the nostrils of Jesus Christ who gave His life that we might be called the children of God. They all serve the Body of Christ on this earth until all come into the fullness and stature of Jesus Christ. And why should we not serve...Jesus became a servant, and as His called forth...we serve. The ministry of Jesus Christ in His prophets is to speak and warn the church of any and all impending dangers or happenings on the horizon that affect the church. When prophecies are spoken, other prophets present can judge the prophecy. There can be national, local, and international happenings that we should have pre-knowledge of in order not to be caught unaware. Man usually fears the unknown, so a prophet is given the news of occurrences and God's advice concerning each. If you consider yourself a called prophet..then what prophecies you speak could go out to the global church. The prophets of the first covenant directed their prophecies to individual nations. In the gospel written by John, we are informed that ALL prophecies are spoken by Jesus Christ and are pertinent to all. The gift of prophecy that is in everyone the Holy Ghost has baptized and quite often there are many in a congregation that allow this gift to operate. This gift is often confused with the Gift of Knowledge. The knowledge Gift is a Word the speaker does not know about whoever they minister it to, however, the person receiving the word is knowledgeable of the information spoken, as is God. When the gift of prophecy is used in our midst, we learn of situations that affect who it is being spoken to...and not necessarily the entire global Body of Christ. These pages will include both and be identified as such, because some of the warnings locally could affect other groups. The person being used (if they are in obedience to the Spirit), identifies the prophecy as it is spoken. For instance, when one who prophesied to Paul prior to his departure to Rome, he was told exactly what his destiny would be there. Now all of God's servants who traveled to Rome were not treated as Paul was. This was an event that would happen to one man; it was not to the entire church. |