NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
Prophetic Word Spoken In Service When the armies of Israel came out of Egypt harnessed and they went forth unto a desert place, there I revealed myself to them saith the Lord, and many of you feel like you have been in a desert place, but that is the place where you see my glory, the pattern for my dwelling saith the Lord your God, and do you not know that Sinai itself was moved at the presence of the Lord, the God of Israel. The mountains quaked and smoked, the enemies of the armies of Israel quaked at the hearing of the Word of the living God. Remember Rahab saith the Lord, remember Rahab, how she hid the spies and proclaimed redemption to her household and they were saved in that day saith the Lord. When I encompassed round about Jericho and the Word of the Lord went forth in power and the walls fell down flat and my people went forth straight forward saith the Lord. Do ye not think that I am the God, that I am the God that brought them out to bring them in, I’m your God saith the Lord. To those enemies that try to bring you down, that try to hold you in bondage, do ye not know that if you would but proclaim the Word of the living God that they would but quake, do ye not know that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he moveth it whither he will like the rivers of water are turned. Do ye not know that I am your God and beside me there is none other. There are those here that are facing a spirit of death, do ye not know if you would stand and proclaim the Word of the living God that I would bring forth life. For I am the one that causes the water to come forth out of the rock, I’m the one that gives the manna in the wilderness saith the Lord your God and there is nothing that can stand before my name. Do ye not know that the Word of the Lord is tried, the Word of the Lord is tried, but, I speak unto you this day and say fear not, fear not but rise up and see that I am God and beside me there is none other. Yea, I order the morning saith the Lord, the stars in the heaven, the sun, they rise this day according to my Word, do ye not know that ye are more valuable, ye are more valuable for I have set in you a place for my dwelling saith the Lord, for I am with you.
3/9/01 |