NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
The Golden Lampstand
Scripture reading: Exodus: 25:31-40 As we study the Golden Light Bearer in the Holy Place that is sometimes called a candlestick, we find no candles here. Candles burn themselves out. but the olive oil beaten light is replenished as used. This article of furniture is most definitely a precise representation of Jesus Christ. This is the ONLY source of light in the place of revelation. Here is a 125 pounds of solid gold, beaten into a vessel of light. The High Priest and His sons are the only ones welcomed here. A most precious thought that the sons of God are a holy priesthood, and we are welcome here. The lampstand reveals himself first. This is the most valuable piece of furniture in the structure made of pure gold and no dimensions given as to it's structure, as the Son of God is immeasurable. No separate parts here, just one piece and each branch giving off the SAME light. Beaten and hammered into a vessel of light, as Jesus was beaten for our transgression and hammered to a cross His sacrificial life now enlightens those who come to Him. So this Light became a Life and the Life became the Light of man.The Lampstand was made of solid, pure gold, beaten out of a single piece. It was placed towards the left side of the Holy Place, the South side. Encamped on this southern side, flush with the courtyard curtain, was Kohath (meaning assembly) a son of Levi and behind his tents were the tents of Reuben, (see a son), Gad (good fortune), and Simeon (hearing) with the standard/banner of Reuben raised over the south side company and it was the Face of a Man. This speaks of the lampstand becoming a Life and that Life is the Light of men (John 1:4). Exodus does not give us either the dimensions or the pattern of the Lampstand, but we do know it had branches and that the bowls were to be formed like almonds in blossom. Almond blossoms refer to God's preferred anointing as in Aaron's Rod and the garden of the bridegroom's loves in the Song of Solomon. The lampstand was therefore like a tree of gold, a Tree of Pure Light. We need the Lord's light; in His light we see light (Psalm 36:9). In this Holy Place of revelation we can see who He Is, the Bread that He has hallowed and the place of prayer as He prayed. We not only need to see His light, we need to walk in His light (I John 1:5-7; Ephesians 1:18; 5:5-8), we need to eat the bread He has Hallowed, and pray the same prayer He prayed in the garden..."not my will but thy will be done ... then we can enter through the veil of His flesh and walk in Him and sit down with Him ...resting in the Word and receive His instruction and carry His Light back out into the world of darkness, reflecting Him. This kind of inner working is the functioning of the light of life: the priest trimmed the wicks of the lamps in the lampstand and re-filled the bowls with oil and the light burned brightly again (see Rev. 1:12-14. He trims us after we burn bright for Him and refills us to shine for Him again. Once we are washed in His blood, washed in the Water of His Word and filled with His spirit out in the outer court..then we can enter the place of revelation and walk in HIM.... walking in the light, we are then the light of the world, as we reflect the light of Jesus Christ to the world of darkness. This is the experience of the Light in an individual way, but the lampstand has seven lamps (seven is the number of completion). When we walk in His revealed knowledge, we are complete in Him. The lampstand was formed by beating a solid lump of gold. First the central stem was beaten out. Then from the central stem the branches were beaten out. This shows us Christ and His seven faceted spirit that Isaiah spoke so clearly about. Then after His death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus came to them and breathed the Holy Spirit into them (John 20:22) and poured out the Holy Spirit upon them (Acts 2:33). There was an appearance of fire on their heads...all 170 of them...God was lighting His churches with fire to shine forth with the burning message of Light having come to all who will come to the Light.. Don't be content with the visitation experience in the Outer Court..it is the correct beginning of our walk and we must progress on into his nature. By the time of the apostle John, in the book of Revelation, there are seven churches in Asia (Revelation chapters 1 to 3) that are still the objects of Christ's care and attention. The Son of God, Jesus, is walking in the midst of the seven churches, which are seven golden lampstands. Only two of these were not corrected..Smyrna and Philadelphia...(the Jewish and Gentile)..this is evident when He said Smyrna would go through tribulation and Philadelphia would escape it. Christ speaks to each church in turn. The five-fold ministry of Jesus Christ is needed to correct each of these faulty believers who were not walking in this Light of the Golden Light giver. . |