The Precious Blood
Jesus Christ

Scripture Ref. 1 Peter 1:19
we visualize the Son of God hanging on the cross at Calvary, we see hands, and
feet, and brow, and side, all stained with the precious Blood Of the
Lamb. He had called Himself the Door and surely He is. Just as when the
Israelites were commanded to take the blood of a spotless lamb and dip with a
hyssop and mark the sides and top and threshold of the door of their homes so
that when Jehovah passed through Egypt to slay all of the firstborn...they would
be spared. It is true today for we who are in the Household of Faith must come
into His riven side (the new and living veil of the Word) in order to escape
death. When God had said "It is appointed to man once to die",
He does not intend for us to face the second death. When we experience
the new birth, our old adamic nature is considered dead and the LAST Adam's
life indwells us.
His blood is both
"precious" and "powerful" because of its redeeming, atoning,
perfecting, and overcoming ability. By it the sins of those who accept the shed
Blood of Jesus as their payment for sin, are redeemed, are reconciled to God,
and when we allow Him to baptize us into His body of believers, we are made one
with Him. He clearly instructed His servant to write that by One Spirit are we all
baptized into one Body.
Christ's blood is also
"precious" and "powerful" in its cleansing power; it
"cleanseth from all sin." of our birth, as we were all shaped in sin
and born in the iniquity of the first Adam. After our rebirth into the LAST
ADAM, should we sin, this same "precious" and powerful" blood has
already made provision for our forgiveness when we confess, and repent to our
High Priest...Jesus Christ. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be
as white as snow." Through Jesus' blood there is not a spot left upon any
believer, no wrinkle nor any such thing remains. This "precious and
"powerful" blood of the Lamb is the source of cleansing of the
garments of the Bride. This is the work of the shed Blood, so His bridal
company could be clad in the righteous garment He provides. He said He
was made unto us Righteousness. Glory to God.!!
Being thus clad in His Righteous
allows us to stand accepted in the Beloved. The blood of Jesus Christ is
likewise "precious" and "powerful" in that It has preserving
power. We are safe when Jesus comes to set up the White Throne Judgment....all
because of His Precious and Powerful Blood. Remember it is God's seeing the
blood that causes us to be spared. Let us comfort one another when our faith
seems tried, for God's eye is still only sparing the ones to which the Blood Of
Jesus has been applied.
The blood of Jesus
Christ is "precious" and "powerful" in its ability to
sanctifying those believers who have died to worldly influence and risen in His
likeness by His Spirit that indwells us. The same blood which justifies by
washing away sin, also quicken our mortal bodies by His Spirit. His nature in us
leads us to subdue sin in our "soulish arena" and to posses this body
of earth we walk around in for God. As Israel had to WALK in the land they were
promised...so we must walk in the SPIRIT, as He commanded the first followers to
tarry until they received the PROMISE of the New Covenant and were baptized in
the Holy Ghost. The children of Israel were promised a land, we are promised His
There is no power of Holiness
except the Blood Of Jesus. From His side ran Blood and Water. Blood cleanses us
from original sin and gives power to the Word of God to wash us after rebirth.
He refers often to "the Water of the Word." The "power" and
"precious" aspect of His Blood is our tool to overcome. We are still
made over comers, by the Word of our testimony (Jesus), the Blood of the Lamb
(Jesus), and that we love not our own lives till the death. It is written,
"They overcame through the blood of the Lamb."
The blood of Jesus!
enables us to march on in His Army..overcoming and bringing to all the message
of the Power of the Precious Blood of Jesus.