NEW November Newsletter
Tabernacle Teaching
God's Preferred Anointing Scriptures: Heb. 9:4, Num. 16 and 17: 1-13 The three articles in the Ark of the Covenant are; Aaron's Rod, Tables of Covenant, and Golden Manna Pot; we will discuss Aaron's Rod, which shows God's preferred anointing. The rod was simply a dry stick cut off from the ground and used by Moses while he was in the land of Midian prior to being sent to deliver Israel from bondage. Beginning with the episode at the burning bush, God gave power to this rod when it was used (at His command) to bring the plagues to Egypt, part the Red sea and now to show who God had anointed into the priesthood of the Levitical order. When a product of the earth is cut off from the earth and laid before the Lord and it brings forth buds (life), blossoms (beauty), and fruit (usefulness) as this rod did, we see a shadow of Jesus Christ. When God became man (earthly) and was cut off from the earth (crucified), He budded with new life(resurrection) and blossomed (Beauty of holiness) and ascended to become the first fruit of them that sleep and sends His spirit to birth His body the church into His likeness. When life from above came into this Rod (Col. 3:3, Gal. 2:20) and the Beauty of Holiness (Isa. 35:1-8)came forth and sent to us the fruits(Gal. 5:22), we become one with the Rod of God. In the law of nature these three (bud, bloom, fruit) are phases that replace each other. In the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus we do not discard new life (first love) and as we grow into His stature we retain all three, never discarding the beauty of His nature which brings forth the fruits of His righteousness. We were dry rods and until He spoke Words of Life into us (John 6:63). As we live by the Faith of the Son of God (Gal. 2:20) we receive His divine nature (2nd. Peter 1:4). Our lesson example found in 1st Sam. 16:1-23; 8:20; 15:23; 17:34 and Eph. 4:11-13. When God rejected Saul (he was anointed king because the "people chose" to have a king over them), after he rebelled against the commandment of God, he chose and anointed David of Bethlehem Judah and as the "preferred anointing" of God. When Samuel had anointed Saul, he used a cup of oil, but when he anointed David he poured a horn of oil over him. The horn is the same that is used as the Shofar for the priest to sound direction for the armies of God (think on the ramifications). God did not look at David's countenance..., He looked at his heart. In the day of David's public anointing the Spirit of God departed from Saul..., he was still king..., still a brave warrior..., but rejected of God. It is thought provoking to know God chose a shepherd to make him his preferred anointed king. A man of valor, who was strengthened by Gods to slay the lion and bear and remove his lambs from their mouth. Jesus introduced himself to His children as the Good Shepherd and certainly had power over the bear and lion. The best way you can know if you are in this the preferred anointing of God is if you know how to deliver the lambs from the bear (world government system) and the lion ( world church or anti-christ system). David had no spirit of fear..., just a revelation of the God of Israel. He slew the father of the giants and later trained his trained men how to slay the others. Just as Jesus conquered satan and gives us His authority to conquer the demons sent out from him. Remember when David killed Goliath..., he did it with a stone from the 5 he took from a brook as he ran toward the enemy. When we have the five-fold ministry,so can we. He knew the Name of God and went forth in it, he would not wear Saul's armor (he knew it well, as Saul's armor bearer) because he had not tried it yet. We should never wear someone else's armor..., we are given full armor of God. David behaved wisely and increased..., Saul hated him and decreased. David cut covenant with Jonathan and showed the nature of covenant fellowship when he nurtured Jonathan's son after receiving kingship, bringing Mephibsheth from Lodebar (barren of bread) to eat continually at His table. He ate hallowed bread and lived, wore an ephod before the Lord; the first king of Judah to do so. Saul killed himself while fighting David and the Philistines. It is tragic that the system today does the same, attempting to win souls for Christ and fighting the anointing in the five fold ministry at the same time. 11Samuel 3 through 9. Battle between David and Saul was long..but David was strengthened after each. Ruled in Judah for 7 years ! Then for 33 years over all Israel. Learned how to carry the Word. Established kingdom after death by an unchangeable covenant of sure mercies with God. Given explicit blueprints of temple structure and furnished materials for constructing same. This preferred anointing is ours..., we are called, chosen, prepared, anointed, and sent as kings and priests into God's kingdom today.